Earth beings
Earth beings

"Earth beings" continues a common thread that runs through Muñoz's previous work -Noetic. Noetic consists of generating a method of communication with the plant kingdom, bringing us a knowledge that exceeds the field of biology, to delve into its secrets and discover its energetic and intuitive power.

This process leads her to create "Earth Beings". Moved by Blanca's landscape, she pauses to listen to the interior of the rocks, imagining their invisible inhabitants gliding through their depths.

"Earth beings" consists of a series of glass and plywood sculptures, made of natural matter transmuted -by time, by nature, by human hands and by machines.

Their organic forms give life to the space where they are installed, suggesting a post-human landscape in which the evolution of creatures goes through industrial phases, giving rise to new symbioses capable of surviving in future environments.

With the collaboration of the glass master Juan Alcántara. (Vidrio Soplado S.L.)

Earth beings
Earth beings

"Earth beings" continues a common thread that runs through Muñoz's previous work -Noetic. Noetic consists of generating a method of communication with the plant kingdom, bringing us a knowledge that exceeds the field of biology, to delve into its secrets and discover its energetic and intuitive power.

This process leads her to create "Earth Beings". Moved by Blanca's landscape, she pauses to listen to the interior of the rocks, imagining their invisible inhabitants gliding through their depths.

"Earth beings" consists of a series of glass and plywood sculptures, made of natural matter transmuted -by time, by nature, by human hands and by machines.

Their organic forms give life to the space where they are installed, suggesting a post-human landscape in which the evolution of creatures goes through industrial phases, giving rise to new symbioses capable of surviving in future environments.

With the collaboration of the glass master Juan Alcántara. (Vidrio Soplado S.L.)

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